'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon

2022년 2월 26일 지금 그것을 시작하라 본문

매일의 일상

2022년 2월 26일 지금 그것을 시작하라

Kay Im 2022. 2. 26. 13:07

출처: 구글 이미지




  "I should have made more money."


    "I should have hung out more."


    "I should have watched more baseball games."


These are not what you say when you are about to die.


What you would say is "I regret the things I haven't tried."


    "I could have."


    "I should have."


    "I would have."


If you don't want to say like this when you die, you should try things you are eager to do right away. 


The perfect moment you are thinking never comes. 


Now is the perfect moment you can start


