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목록스칼렛요한슨3번째결혼 (1)
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Scarlett Johansson marries for third time with comedian 2020-11-03 Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has married for a third time, tying the knot at an “intimate ceremony” over the weekend with comedian Colin Jost, it was announced Thursday. 할리우드 스타 스칼렛 요한슨이 지난 주말 코미디언 콜린 조스트와 ‘사적인 결혼식’을 올리며 세 번째 결혼을 했다고 목요일 발표했다. Johansson, the world’s top-paid actress last year who is set to star in the much-d..
English News
2020. 11. 4. 15:21