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목록COVID-19 (6)
'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon
Virus related keywords, most searched among Korean Twitter users 2020-12-15 Inevitably, COVID-19 has become the most popular keyword among Korean Twitter users this year. 아니나 다를까 코로나19는 한국인 트위터 사용자들 사이에서 올해 가장 많이 언급된 키워드가 됐다. "COVID-19 has been mentioned about 7 million times in tweets among domestic users," a Twitter Korea official said, noting that COVID-19-related issues ― "self-isolation" an..
Concerns grow over possible mass infections among young people_20201018 2020-10-18 Concerns are growing again over possible mass COVID-19 infections in Korea as young people have started socializing more often in night clubs and other entertainment establishments amid the easing of social distancing rules, according to medical experts Friday. 사회적 거리두기 규정 완화 속에 젊은층이 클럽과 기타 유흥업소에서 모임을 시작함에 따라 국내 코..
Balance in virus fight 2020-10-13 [코리아타임스 사설 읽기] "Mass rallies undesirable but so is stringent ban" "대규모 집회는 바람직하지 않지만 강력한 금지 또한 바람직하지 않다" Concern over mass rallies during the long weekend of the Chuseok holiday, especially on National Foundation Day Saturday, were largely quashed as the authorities worked hard to prevent another major outbreak of the coronavirus. 긴 추석 연휴기간, 특히 개천절을 낀 토요일 대규모 집회..
Will mass coronavirus infections hit Korea after Chuseok holiday? 2020-10-07 With new daily COVID-19 cases mostly remaining below 100 during the Chuseok holiday, some people have begun to feel optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic may finally be under control here and another mass outbreak is less likely to occur. 코로나19 일일 신규 확진자 수가 추석 연휴 내내 100명 아래로 내려가자, 일부 국민들은 코로나바이러스 대유행이 마침내 국내에서 통제되기 시..
Jeju on alert over tourist inflow during Chuseok holiday 2020-09-25 Officials on Jeju Island are bracing for a possible surge of COVID-19 infections on the resort island as many tourists are expected to visit there during the five-day Chuseok long weekend that starts Sept. 30. 제주도는 이달 30일부터 5일간의 추석 연휴 동안 많은 관광객이 섬을 방문할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 도내 코로나19 감염 급증 가능성에 대비하고 있다. The Central Disaster and Safety Coun..