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목록English News (89)
'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon
Concerns grow over possible mass infections among young people_20201018 2020-10-18 Concerns are growing again over possible mass COVID-19 infections in Korea as young people have started socializing more often in night clubs and other entertainment establishments amid the easing of social distancing rules, according to medical experts Friday. 사회적 거리두기 규정 완화 속에 젊은층이 클럽과 기타 유흥업소에서 모임을 시작함에 따라 국내 코..
More consumers swindled by online counterfeit goods sellers 2020-10-16 An office worker surnamed Jeong in Seoul immediately felt something was wrong when she received the designer bag she had ordered from overseas through Naver Smart Store, an online shopping platform in September. 서울의 한 직장인 정모 씨는 지난 9월 온라인 쇼핑 플랫폼 네이버 스마트스토어를 통해 해외에서 주문한 명품 가방을 받고 뭔가 잘못됐음을 직감했다. "The invoice attached to the parc..
Animal abandonment increasing in Korea 2020-10-06 Lee Hyung-joo, an animal rights activist, was busy during this Chuseok holiday as hundreds of pets were abandoned by people visiting family or tourist destinations. 친지나 관광지를 찾는 사람들에 의해 수백 마리의 반려동물이 버려진 올 추석, 이형주 동물보호운동가는 매우 바쁜 연휴를 보냈다. "Stray dogs or cats are easily spotted in local highway rest areas. People who abandon their pets tend to leave ..
Balance in virus fight 2020-10-13 [코리아타임스 사설 읽기] "Mass rallies undesirable but so is stringent ban" "대규모 집회는 바람직하지 않지만 강력한 금지 또한 바람직하지 않다" Concern over mass rallies during the long weekend of the Chuseok holiday, especially on National Foundation Day Saturday, were largely quashed as the authorities worked hard to prevent another major outbreak of the coronavirus. 긴 추석 연휴기간, 특히 개천절을 낀 토요일 대규모 집회..
How US election will affect investors' portfolio 2020-10-12 Investors have less than a month left to possibly readjust their portfolios before the results of the U.S. presidential election, as some of them think the outcome will have a big impact on the markets. 주식투자자들은 미국 대선 결과가 나오기 전 포트폴리오를 조정할 수 있는 시간이 한 달도 채 남지 않았으며, 이들 중 일부는 선거 결과가 시장에 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 보고 있다. Analysts note that stock markets do..