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목록English News (89)
'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon
Fears over flu vaccine spread amid more deaths 2020-10-23 Public fear is escalating over the safety of the seasonal flu vaccination after a series of deaths among people who had recently received the vaccination, although the health authorities have said there was no connection. 보건당국은 관련성이 없다고 밝혔지만 최근 백신 접종을 받은 사람들의 사망이 잇따르자 계절 독감(인플루엔자) 예방접종의 안전성에 대한 국민의 공포가 커지고 있다. As of 4 p.m., Thursday, the ..
Bottle-fed babies ingest 'millions' of microplastics 2020-10-22 Bottle-fed babies may ingest more than a million pieces of microplastics each day, new research showed Monday highlighting the abundance of plastics in our food products. 젖병을 사용하는 유아들이 매일 100만개 이상의 미세플라스틱을 먹는다는 새로운 연구 결과가 월요일 나왔다. There is growing evidence that humans consume huge numbers of the tiny particles, formed when larger pi..
Cristiano Ronaldo tests positive for coronavirus 2020-10-19 Cristiano Ronaldo has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Portuguese soccer federation said Tuesday. 크리스티아누 호날두가 코로나바이러스 양성반응을 보였다고 포르투갈 축구연맹이 화요일 밝혔다. The federation said Ronaldo was doing well and had no symptoms. It did not say when he tested positive. 포르투갈 축구연맹은 호날두가 잘 지내고 있으며 별다른 증상이 없다고 밝혔다. 그가 언제 양성반응이 나왔는지는 밝히지 않았다. Ronaldo..
Europe reels as 2nd wave of COVID-19 spreads 2020-10-18 France on Wednesday became the latest European country to toughen anti-coronavirus measures, imposing a curfew in Paris and eight other cities from Saturday, while Germany and Ireland also ramped up restrictions. 프랑스는 수요일부터 수도 파리 외 8개 도시에 통행금지를 시행하며 코로나바이러스 방역 조치를 강화한 유럽 국가 중 가장 최근의 국가가 되었고, 독일과 아일랜드도 규제를 강화했다. “We have to act. We need to p..
Tteokbokki voted No. 1 comfort food amid pandemic 2020-10-18 "Tteokbokki," a popular snack made from rice cakes and red chili pepper sauce, has been voted the No. 1 food to lift the Korean people's spirits during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Seoul Metropolitan Government said Saturday. 떡과 고추장으로 만든 인기 간식 떡볶이가 뽑혔다 코로나19 대유행 속 한국인들의 사기를 북돋는 음식 1위에 선정됐다고 서울시가 토요일 밝혔다. In an online survey in Septem..