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목록English News (89)
'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon
1 in 4 office workers are YouTubers on the side: survey 2020-10-11 Kang Tae-kwon, an office worker in his 30s, has his own YouTube channel with more than 100,000 subscribers. Its main focus is on introducing Korean culture to non-Koreans, which is unrelated to his job at a state-owned company in the agricultural sector. 30대 직장인 강태권 씨는 구독자 수 10만 명이 넘는 자신만의 유튜브 채널을 갖고 있다. 강 씨의 유튜브 채널은 외국인들에게 한국 문화..
Crocs share price jumps on Justin Bieber speculation 2020-10-11 All it took was a photo on Justin Bieber's Instagram of Crocs shoes and the caption "Soon", to send the company's stock jumping Thursday on speculation of a future collaboration with the Canadian pop star. 캐나다 출신 팝스타와 크록스의 콜라보레이션에 대한 추측으로 크락스사의 목요일 주가 급등은 저스틴 비버의 인스타그램에 올라온 크록스 신발 사진과 “곧”이라는 캡션이 전부였다. Bieber is regularly seen wearin..
Teens buy luxury brands to 'flex' on social media 2020-10-08 "Flex," a term widely used to boast outwardly about one's extravagant lifestyle by showing off clothing, cars or homes, has settled as a trend for young generation. Videos and photos of "flexing" fashion and beauty products of high-end brands gain thousands of likes. 옷, 자동차, 집을 과시하며 사치스러운 생활방식을 겉으로 뽐낼 때 널리 쓰이는 용어인 '플렉스'가 젊은층 사이에 트렌드로 자..
Will mass coronavirus infections hit Korea after Chuseok holiday? 2020-10-07 With new daily COVID-19 cases mostly remaining below 100 during the Chuseok holiday, some people have begun to feel optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic may finally be under control here and another mass outbreak is less likely to occur. 코로나19 일일 신규 확진자 수가 추석 연휴 내내 100명 아래로 내려가자, 일부 국민들은 코로나바이러스 대유행이 마침내 국내에서 통제되기 시..
OPEC turns 60 at 'critical moment' for virus-hit oil 2020-10-03 OPEC faces a critical moment in its 60-year history with the coronavirus crushing crude demand and prices, discord among its members, and threats from a world seeking cleaner fuels. 코로나바이러스가 원유 수요와 가격에 끼친 영향, 회원국들 간의 불화, 세계가 친환경 연료를 추구하고 있는 가운데, 석유수출국기구(OPEC)가 60년 역사에서 중대한 국면을 맞았다. Founded on September 14, 1960, by Iraq, Iran, Kuwai..