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목록English News (89)
'케이'의 세상을 보는 noon
Uber incentivizes drivers to switch to electric vehicles 2020-09-10 Uber made an announcement they will offer incentives to drivers to transition to cleaner vehicles while acknowledging that emissions from its rides have risen in recent years. 우버는 최근 몇 년간 자사 승차공유 서비스로 인해 배기가스가 증가했다는 점을 인정하면서 운전자들에게 친환경 차량으로 전환할 수 있도록 인센티브를 제공할 계획임을 발표했다. The San Francisco-based ride-hailing giant said Tuesday th..
BTS delivers 'Dynamite' performance on 'America's Got Talent' 2020-09-20 K-pop super group BTS delivered a performance of "Dynamite," its latest smash-hit single, on the popular U.S. talent competition show "America's Got Talent." K팝 슈퍼 그룹 방탄소년단이 미국의 인기 경연 프로그램인 '아메리카스 갓 탤런트(AGT)'에서 대히트 싱글 '다이너마이트'의 공연을 선보였다. The seven-member band presented a pre-recorded live performance of "Dynamite" on the we..
With travel limited, plane cafes take off in Thailand 2020-09-20 With millions around the world stuck at home due to the pandemic, “plane cafes” in Thailand are offering customers the chance to pretend they are in the sky ― and the idea seems to have taken off. 팬데믹으로 인해 전 세계의 수많은 사람들이 집에 갇혀 있기에, 태국의 ‘비행기 카페’들은 사람들이 공중에 떠 있는 것 같은 기분을 손님들에게 제공한다. 그리고 이러한 카페는 금세 유행이 됐다. On board a retired commercia..
Work from home likely to continue: survey 2020-09-18 As working from home is becoming increasingly common amid the prolonged coronavirus pandemic, many people question its impact on the future of the workplace. The shift to remote work is likely to continue in Korea even after the pandemic ends, according to a recent survey, Thursday. 코로나바이러스 대유행의 장기화 속에 재택근무가 점차 보편화하자, 많은 사람들이 재택근무가 직장의 미래에 어떤 ..
Abe's resignation 2020-09-09 "Can leadership change help mend Seoul-Tokyo ties?" "수상의 교체가 한일 관계 개선으로 이어질까?" Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has tendered his resignation for health reasons. Japan is set to choose its new prime minister soon in mid-September. Now the question is whether the looming replacement of the Japanese leadership will bring about any changes in soured relations between S..