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목록English News (89)
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Global COVID-19 deaths rise for 1st time in 6 weeks 2021-03-28 A top World Health Organization expert on the coronavirus pandemic said Monday the weekly global count of deaths from COVID-19 is rising again, a “worrying sign” after about six weeks of declines. 세계보건기구(WHO)의 코로나바이러스 감염병 전문가는 월요일 코로나바이러스 사망자 수가 6주 만에 다시 증가하고 있으며 “우려할만한 징조”라고 밝혔다. Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead on COVID-19 at the..

Korea to extend current social distancing measures for 2 weeks: PM 2021-03-15 South Korea will extend its current social distancing measures for another two weeks, the prime minister said Friday, as sporadic COVID-19 cluster infections continue to pop up across the country. 정세균 국무총리는 산발적인 코로나19 집단 감염이 전국적으로 계속됨에 따라 한국은 현재의 사회적 거리두기 단계를 2주 더 연장할 것이라고 금요일 말했다. "The government will extend the curre..

Is Kakao seeking to acquire eBay Korea? 2021-03-08 The looming sale of eBay Korea is drawing keen attention as a number of potential suitors, including conglomerates, private equity firms, as well as a tech firm, are known to have expressed interest. 이베이코리아 매각에 대기업, 사모펀드, 테크기업 등 다수의 잠재 인수자들이 관심을 표명한 것으로 알려져 주목된다. According to reports, investment banks managing eBay's sale sent out teaser letters..

COVID-19 cases in 300s for 2nd day ahead of eased distancing 2021-02-14 South Korea's daily new coronavirus cases stayed in the 300s for a second straight day on Sunday on fewer tests on the Lunar New Year holiday, with eased social distancing measures in store this week. 한국의 일일 신규 코로나바이러스 확진자 수는 설 연휴의 적은 검사 건수로 인해 일요일 이틀 연속 300명대에 머물렀고, 이번 주부터 사회적거리두기 조치가 완화된다. The country reported 326 more COV..

Korea to increase investment for future cars under New Deal scheme 2021-02-06 South Korea's industry ministry said Thursday it plans to raise 200 billion won (US$179 million) this year to nurture eco-friendly automobiles and other state-of-the-art technologies, in line with the country's New Deal drive announced last year. 산업통상자원부는 지난해 발표한 뉴딜정책에 따라 올해 친환경 자동차 등 첨단기술 육성을 위해 2000억 원을 조성할 계획이라고 목요일..